RU dicionário de Russo: знак
знак tem 161 traduções em 17 línguas
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traduções de знак
- marca (n v adj) [name, symbol, logo] {f}
- distintivo (n v) [distinctive mark] {m}
- acento (n v) [orthography: mark to indicate accent] {m}
- placa (n v) [flat object bearing a message, traffic sign] {f}
- indicação (n v) [sign] {f}
- sinal (n v) [meaningful gesture, omen, positive or negative polarity, something serving as an expression of something else, visible indication] {m}
- presságio (n v) [omen] {m}
- agouro (n v) [omen] {m}
- caractere (n v) [(computing) basic element in a text string] {m}
- caráter (n v) [(computing) basic element in a text string, symbol for a sound or a word] {m}
- gesto (n v) [linguistic unit in sign language] {m}
- símbolo (n v) [any of several specialized non-alphabetic symbols, character or glyph, object meant to represent another, something serving as an expression of something else] {m}
- carácter (n v) [symbol for a sound or a word]
- signo (n v) [astrological sign] (n v)
- character (n v) [(computing) basic element in a text string]
- sign (n v) [any of several specialized non-alphabetic symbols]
- symbol (n v) [character or glyph]
- dollar sign (n) [programming: used to indicate a constant]
17 traduções
- marca (n v adj) [name, symbol, logo] {f}
- placa (n v) [flat object bearing a message] {f}
- acento (n v) [orthography: mark to indicate accent] {m}
- aviso (n v) [flat object bearing a message] {m}
- presagio (n v) [omen] {m}
- muestra (n v) [visible indication] {f}
- señal (n v) [flat object bearing a message, sign, traffic sign] {f}
- carácter (n v) [(computing) basic element in a text string, symbol for a sound or a word] {m}
- medalla (n v) [distinctive mark] {f}
- seña (n v) [meaningful gesture] {f}
- señalización (n v) [flat object bearing a message, traffic sign] {f}
- símbolo (n v) [any of several specialized non-alphabetic symbols, character or glyph, object meant to represent another] {m}
- signo (n v) [astrological sign, positive or negative polarity, visible indication] {m}
- tilde (n v) [orthography: mark to indicate accent] {f}
- signo del zodiaco (n v) [astrological sign]
- letrero (n v) [flat object bearing a message]
- piocha (n v) [distinctive mark]
13 traduções
- insigne (n v) [distinctive mark] {m}
- accent (n v) [orthography: mark to indicate accent] {m}
- signe (n v) [astrological sign, flat object bearing a message, linguistic unit in sign language, meaningful gesture, omen, positive or negative polarity, visible indication] {m}
- présage (n v) [omen] {m}
- marqueur (n v) [flat object bearing a message] {m}
- décoration (n v) [distinctive mark] {f}
- marque (n v adj) [name, symbol, logo] {f}
- caractère (n v) [(computing) basic element in a text string, symbol for a sound or a word] {m}
- plaque (n v) [distinctive mark] {f}
- macaron (n v) [distinctive mark] {m}
- symbole (n v) [any of several specialized non-alphabetic symbols, character or glyph, object meant to represent another, something serving as an expression of something else] {m}
- panneau de signalisation (n v) [traffic sign] {m}
- signe du dollar (n) [punctuation symbol $] (n)
10 traduções
- segno (n v) [flat object bearing a message, meaningful gesture, positive or negative polarity, something serving as an expression of something else, visible indication, astrological sign] {m}
- insegna (n v) [visible indication] {f}
- accento (n v) [orthography: mark to indicate accent] {m}
- indicazione (n v) [visible indication] {f}
- distintivo (n v) [distinctive mark]
- carattere (n v) [(computing) basic element in a text string, symbol for a sound or a word] {m}
- gesto (n v) [linguistic unit in sign language] {m}
- segnale (n v) [linguistic unit in sign language, meaningful gesture] {m}
- simbolo (n v) [any of several specialized non-alphabetic symbols, character or glyph, something serving as an expression of something else] {m}
- cartello (n v) [traffic sign]
18 traduções
- Marke (n v adj) [name, symbol, logo] {f}
- Zeichen (n adj v) [something serving as an expression of something else, visible indication, symbol for a sound or a word, omen, meaningful gesture, character or glyph, any of several specialized non-alphabetic symbols, (computing) basic element in a text string] {n}
- Label (n v adj) [name, symbol, logo]
- Schild (n v) [flat object bearing a message, traffic sign] {n}
- Abzeichen (n v) [distinctive mark] {n}
- Anzeichen (n v) [visible indication] {n}
- Gebärde (n v) [linguistic unit in sign language, meaningful gesture] {f}
- Vorzeichen (n v) [omen, positive or negative polarity] {n}
- Signal {n}
- Buchstabe (n v) [symbol for a sound or a word] {m}
- Symbol [character or glyph, object meant to represent another, something serving as an expression of something else] {n}
- Verkehrszeichen (n v) [traffic sign] {n}
- Sternzeichen (n v) [astrological sign]
- Sonderzeichen (n v) [any of several specialized non-alphabetic symbols]
- Tierkreiszeichen (n v) [astrological sign] {n} (Astr.)
- Dollarzeichen (n) [punctuation symbol $]
- Verkehrsschild (n v) [traffic sign] (n v)
- Character (n v) [(computing) basic element in a text string] (n v)
12 traduções
- accent (n v) [orthography: mark to indicate accent] {n}
- klemtoon (n v) [orthography: mark to indicate accent] {m}
- teken (n v) [linguistic unit in sign language, meaningful gesture, omen, positive or negative polarity, something serving as an expression of something else, visible indication] {n}
- voorteken (n v) [omen] {n}
- karakter (n v) [(computing) basic element in a text string, symbol for a sound or a word] {n}
- gebaar (n v) [linguistic unit in sign language] {n}
- merk (n v adj) [name, symbol, logo] {n}
- symbool (n v) [character or glyph, object meant to represent another] {n}
- bord (n v) [flat object bearing a message] {n}
- verkeersbord (n v) [traffic sign] {n}
- markering (n v) [flat object bearing a message]
- speciaal teken (n v) [any of several specialized non-alphabetic symbols] (n v)
15 traduções
- märke (n v adj) [name, symbol, logo, distinctive mark] {n}
- emblem (n v) [distinctive mark] {n}
- accent (n v) [orthography: mark to indicate accent] (u)
- tecken (n v) [(computing) basic element in a text string, any of several specialized non-alphabetic symbols, astrological sign, character or glyph, linguistic unit in sign language, meaningful gesture, omen, positive or negative polarity, something serving as an expression of something else, symbol for a sound or a word, visible indication] {n}
- bevis (n adj v) [something serving as an expression of something else] {n}
- symbol (n v) [character or glyph, object meant to represent another] (u)
- varumärke (n v adj) [name, symbol, logo] {n}
- knapp (n v) [distinctive mark]
- omen (n v) [omen] {n}
- stjärntecken (n v) [astrological sign] {n}
- trafikskylt (n v) [traffic sign] (u)
- järtecken (n v) [omen] {n}
- kännetecken (n adj v) [something serving as an expression of something else]
- skylt (n v) [flat object bearing a message, traffic sign]
- dollartecken (n) [programming: used to indicate a constant, programming: used to indicate a hexadecimal constant, programming: used to indicate a variable, programming: used to inidcate a variable or constant containing text, punctuation symbol $] (n)
8 traduções
- symbol (n v) [character or glyph, object meant to represent another]
- znak (n v) [(computing) basic element in a text string, linguistic unit in sign language, symbol for a sound or a word]
- znamení (n v) [astrological sign, meaningful gesture, omen, visible indication] {n}
- odznak (n v) [distinctive mark] {m}
- značka (n v adj) [name, symbol, logo, traffic sign]
- pokyn (n v) [meaningful gesture]
- cedule (n v) [flat object bearing a message] (n v)
- znaménko (n v) [positive or negative polarity] (n v)
6 traduções
- drogowskaz (n v) [sign] {m}
- hasło (n) {n}
- odznaka (n v) [distinctive mark] {f}
- symbol (n v) [character or glyph] {m}
- znak (n) [symbol for a sound or a word] {m}
- znak drogowy (n v) [traffic sign]
5 traduções
- varemærke (n v adj) [name, symbol, logo]
- tegn (n v) [(computing) basic element in a text string, something serving as an expression of something else, symbol for a sound or a word, visible indication]
- symbol (n v) [character or glyph] (n v)
- mærke (n v adj) [name, symbol, logo, something serving as an expression of something else] (n adj v)
- vejviser (n v) [sign] (n v)
6 traduções
- символ (n v) [character or glyph, symbol for a sound or a word] {m} (símvol)
- знак (n v) [symbol for a sound or a word, traffic sign] {m}
- значка (n v) [distinctive mark]
- белег (n v adj) [name, symbol, logo] {m}
- ударе́ние (n v) [orthography: mark to indicate accent] (n v)
- ма́рка (n v adj) [name, symbol, logo] (n v adj)
7 traduções
- betű (n v) [(computing) basic element in a text string]
- szimbólum (n v) [character or glyph, object meant to represent another]
- jel (n v) [visible indication]
- ékezet (n v) [orthography: mark to indicate accent] (n v)
- tábla (n v) [flat object bearing a message] (n v)
- jelkép (n v) [object meant to represent another] (n v)
- karakter (n v) [(computing) basic element in a text string] (n v)
16 traduções
- 指標 (n v) [sign] (shihyō)
- 文字 (n v) [symbol for a sound or a word]
- 星座 (n v) [astrological sign]
- サイン (n v) [astrological sign] (sain)
- 印 (n v) [visible indication] (shirushi)
- アクセント (n v) [orthography: mark to indicate accent] (n v)
- バッジ (n v) [distinctive mark] (n v)
- 看板 (n v) [flat object bearing a message] (n v)
- 道路標識 (n v) [traffic sign] (n v)
- 合図 (n v) [meaningful gesture] (n v)
- 記号 (n v) [(computing) basic element in a text string, symbol for a sound or a word, character or glyph, any of several specialized non-alphabetic symbols] (n v)
- 符号 (n v) [any of several specialized non-alphabetic symbols, character or glyph, positive or negative polarity] (n v)
- 兆し (n v) [omen] (n v)
- 兆候 (n v) [omen] (n v)
- 象徴 (n v) [object meant to represent another] (n v)
- ブランド (n v adj) [name, symbol, logo] (n v adj)
5 traduções
- ký hiệu (n v) [character or glyph]
- dấu (n v) [orthography: mark to indicate accent] (n v)
- con dấu (n v) [visible indication] (n v)
- tín hiệu (n v) [visible indication] (n v)
- bảng chỉ dẫn (n v) [flat object bearing a message] (n v)