nositi tem 80 traduções em 18 línguas

traduções de nositi

SL PT Português 6 traduções
  • usar (v n) [to have on (clothes)]
  • vestir (v n) [to have on (clothes)]
  • carregar [to carry, to transport by lifting]
  • levar [to carry, to transport by lifting]
  • portar (n adj adv v) [to be equipped with, to carry]
  • trajar (v n) [to have on (clothes)]
SL ES Espanhol 3 traduções
  • cargar [to transport by lifting]
  • llevar [to be equipped with, to carry, to have on (clothes), to transport by lifting]
  • portar (n adj adv v) [to be equipped with]
SL FR Francês 1 tradução
  • porter [to carry, to have on (clothes), to transport by lifting]
SL IT Italiano 2 traduções
  • portare [to be equipped with, to carry, to have on (clothes), to transport by lifting]
  • indossare (v n) [to have on (clothes)]
SL DE Alemão 2 traduções
  • tragen [to be equipped with, to carry, to have on (clothes), to transport by lifting]
  • anhaben (v n) [to have on (clothes)]
SL NL Holandês 4 traduções
  • dragen [to be equipped with, to carry, to have on (clothes), to transport by lifting]
  • aanhebben (v n) [to have on (clothes)]
  • torsen (n adj adv v) [to carry]
  • uitgerust (n adj adv v) [to be equipped with]
SL SV Sueco 3 traduções
  • bära [to be equipped with, to carry, to have on (clothes), to transport by lifting]
  • ha på sig (v n) [to have on (clothes)]
  • inneha (n adj adv v) [to be equipped with]
SL CS Tcheco 6 traduções
  • nosit (n adj adv v) [to be equipped with, to have on (clothes), to transport by lifting]
  • nést [to carry, to transport by lifting]
  • mít (v n) [to have on (clothes)]
  • vézt [to transport by lifting] (on a wheeled vehicle)
  • vozit (v n) [to transport by lifting]
  • mít na sobě (v n) [to have on (clothes)] (v n)
SL PL Polonês 4 traduções
  • nosić [to be equipped with, to carry, to have on (clothes), to transport by lifting]
  • nieść [to transport by lifting]
  • wozić (v n) [to transport by lifting] (v n)
  • wieźć (v n) [to transport by lifting] (v n)
SL DA Dinamarquês 2 traduções
  • bære [to transport by lifting]
  • have (v n) [to have on (clothes)]
SL BG Búlgaro 6 traduções
SL HU Húngaro 4 traduções
  • bír (n adj adv v) [to be equipped with]
  • visz [to transport by lifting]
  • hord [to have on (clothes), to transport by lifting]
  • visel (n adj adv v) [to be equipped with] (n adj adv v)
SL RU Russo 12 traduções
SL ZH Chinês 8 traduções
SL HI Hindi 3 traduções
SL JA Japonês 6 traduções
  • 被る (v n) [to have on (clothes)] (v)
  • 運ぶ (n adj adv v) [to carry, to transport by lifting] (n adj adv v)
  • 持って行く (n adj adv v) [to carry, to transport by lifting] (n adj adv v)
  • 掛ける (v n) [to have on (clothes)] (n prep v)
  • 着る (v n) [to have on (clothes)] (v n)
  • 履く (v n) [to have on (clothes)] (v n)
SL VI Vietnamita 7 traduções
  • đi (v n) [to have on (clothes)]
  • mang [to carry, to transport by lifting]
  • ẵm (n adj adv v) [to carry, to transport by lifting]
  • mặc (v n) [to have on (clothes)] (quần áo)
  • đeo (v n) [to have on (clothes)]
  • bế (n adj adv v) [to carry] (n adj adv v)
  • vác (n adj adv v) [to be equipped with, to carry] (n adj adv v)