RU dicionário de Russo: примене́ние
примене́ние tem 57 traduções em 15 línguas
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traduções de примене́ние
- administração (n) [the act of administering or tendering something to another] {f}
- uso (n v) [act of using, function, the manner or the amount of using; use] {m}
- aplicação (n) [the act of administering or tendering something to another] {f}
- exploração (n) [act] {f}
- ministração (n) [the act of administering or tendering something to another] (n)
RU ES Espanhol 4 traduções
- administración (n) [the act of administering or tendering something to another] {f}
- uso (n v) [act of using] {m}
- explotación (n) [act] {f}
- función (n v) [function] {f}
RU FR Francês 5 traduções
- usage (n v) [act of using, the manner or the amount of using; use] {m}
- emploi (n v) [act of using] {m}
- administration (n) [the act of administering or tendering something to another] {f}
- utilisation (n v) [act of using] {f}
- exploitation (n) [act] {f}
RU IT Italiano 2 traduções
- uso (n v) [act of using] {m}
- somministrazione (n) [the act of administering or tendering something to another] (n)
RU DE Alemão 8 traduções
- Zweck (n v) [function] {m}
- Funktion (n v) [function] {f}
- Anwendung (n v) [act of using, the manner or the amount of using; use] {f}
- Benutzung (n v) [act of using, the manner or the amount of using; use] {f}
- Gebrauch (n v) [act of using] {m}
- Verwendung (n) [the manner or the amount of using; use] {f}
- Ausbeutung (n) [act] {f}
- Verabreichung (n) [the act of administering or tendering something to another]
RU NL Holandês 6 traduções
- gebruik (n v) [act of using] {n}
- exploitatie (n) [act] {f}
- uitbuiting (n) [act] {f}
- functie (n v) [function] {f}
- uitbaten (n) [act]
- toediening (n) [the act of administering or tendering something to another] (n)
RU PL Polonês 9 traduções
- funkcja (n v) [function] {f}
- użycie (n v) [act of using] {n}
- korzystanie (n) {n}
- zastosowanie (n v) [function] {n}
- użytek (n v) [act of using]
- stosowanie (n v) [act of using]
- wykorzystanie (n) [act]
- wyzysk (n) [act] (n)
- spożytkowanie (n) [act] (n)
RU BG Búlgaro 4 traduções
- изпо́лзуване (n v) [act of using] (n v)
- употребле́ние (n v) [act of using] (n v)
- употре́ба (n v) [act of using] (n v)
- експлоатация (n) [act] (n)
RU JA Japonês 4 traduções
Palavras anteriores e posteriores примене́ние
- приматология
- приматы
- приме́р
- приме́рить
- приме́рка
- приме́рно
- приме́рный
- приме́рочная
- приме́та
- примелькаться
- примене́ние
- примене́ние суро́вых мер
- применение
- применение в сельскохозяйственной деятельности только органических удобрений
- примени́мый
- применимый
- применительно
- применить
- примениться
- применя́ть
- применять