RU dicionário de Russo: Земля́
Земля́ tem 173 traduções em 18 línguas
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traduções de Земля́
- terra (n v adj) [electrical conductor connected to point of zero potential, electrical connection, electrical point of zero potential, one of the five basic elements, one of the four basic elements, soil, soil or earth, soil, earth, any general rock-based material] {f}
- solo (proper n v) [soil, surface of the Earth, soil, earth, mixture of sand and organic material, country or territory] {m}
- chão (n v adj) [surface of the Earth] {m}
- estado (n v) [a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy] {m}
- território (n) [large tract of land] {m}
- Terra (proper) [third planet from the Sun] {f}
- globo (n v) [the planet Earth] {m}
- país (n adj) [region of land] {m}
- nação (n adj) [region of land] {f}
9 traduções
- globo (n v) [the planet Earth] {m}
- tierra (proper n v) [any general rock-based material, country or territory, electrical connection, one of the five basic elements, one of the four basic elements, soil, soil or earth, soil, earth, surface of the Earth, third planet from the Sun] {f}
- suelo (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material, surface of the Earth, soil] {m}
- estado (n v) [a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy] {m}
- toma de tierra (n v adj) [electrical conductor connected to point of zero potential] {f}
- país (n adj) [region of land] {m}
- territorio (n) [large tract of land] {m}
- Tierra (proper) [third planet from the Sun]
- polo a tierra (n v adj) [electrical conductor connected to point of zero potential] (n v adj)
10 traduções
- terre (n v) [country or territory, electrical conductor connected to point of zero potential, electrical connection, electrical point of zero potential, mixture of sand and organic material, one of the five basic elements, one of the four basic elements, soil, soil or earth, soil, earth, surface of the Earth, the planet Earth, any general rock-based material] {f}
- sol (n v adj) [surface of the Earth, mixture of sand and organic material] {m}
- masse (n v adj) [electrical conductor connected to point of zero potential, electrical point of zero potential] {f}
- État (n v) [a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy] {m}
- boue (n v) [soil or earth] {f}
- pays (n adj) [region of land] {m}
- territoire (n v) [country or territory, large tract of land] {m}
- Terre (n v) [the planet Earth, third planet from the Sun] {f}
- contrée (n adj) [region of land]
- terres agricoles (n) [land which is suitable for farming and agricultural production] (n)
9 traduções
- terra (proper n v) [electrical connection, one of the five basic elements, one of the four basic elements, soil, soil or earth, soil, earth, any general rock-based material] {f}
- suolo (n v adj) [surface of the Earth, mixture of sand and organic material] {m}
- stato (n v) [a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy] {m}
- paese (n adj) [region of land] {m}
- globo (n v) [the planet Earth] {m}
- massa (proper n v) [electrical connection] {f}
- landa (n adj) [region of land] {f}
- territorio (n) [large tract of land] {m}
- Terra (proper) [third planet from the Sun]
18 traduções
- Ackerland (n) [land which is suitable for farming and agricultural production] {n}
- Staat (n v) [a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy] {m}
- Grund (proper n v) [any general rock-based material, mixture of sand and organic material] {m}
- Schmutz (n v) [soil or earth] {m}
- Land (n v) [a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy, region of land, soil, surface of the Earth] {n}
- Masse (n v adj) [electrical point of zero potential] {f}
- Boden (n v adj) [soil, earth] {m}
- Erde (proper) [third planet from the Sun, the planet Earth, surface of the Earth, soil, earth, soil or earth, one of the four basic elements, mixture of sand and organic material, electrical connection, soil, any general rock-based material, electrical conductor connected to point of zero potential] {f}
- Erdung (n v adj) [electrical conductor connected to point of zero potential] {f}
- Dreck (n v) [soil or earth] {m}
- Erdkugel (n v) [the planet Earth] {f}
- Erdreich (n v adj) [soil, earth] (n)
- Territorium (n) [large tract of land] {n}
- Masseleitung (n v adj) [electrical conductor connected to point of zero potential]
- Masseverbindung (n v adj) [electrical conductor connected to point of zero potential]
- Erdboden (n v adj) [surface of the Earth] (m)
- Bezugspotenzial (n v adj) [electrical point of zero potential] (n v adj)
- Massepotenzial (n v adj) [electrical point of zero potential] (n v adj)
11 traduções
- bodem (n v adj) [surface of the Earth] {m}
- grond (n v) [country or territory, mixture of sand and organic material, soil, soil, earth, surface of the Earth] {m}
- aarde (proper n v) [soil, third planet from the Sun, soil, earth, one of the four basic elements, one of the five basic elements, mixture of sand and organic material, electrical connection, any general rock-based material] {m}
- staat (n v) [a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy] {m}
- wereldbol (n v) [the planet Earth] {m}
- land (n adj) [region of land] {n}
- territorium (n) [large tract of land] {n}
- grondgebied (n) [large tract of land] {n}
- aarding (n v adj) [electrical conductor connected to point of zero potential]
- Aarde (proper) [third planet from the Sun] (proper)
- neuter (n v adj) [electrical point of zero potential] (n v adj)
11 traduções
- backe (n v adj) [surface of the Earth] (u)
- mark (n v) [country or territory, soil, earth, surface of the Earth] (u)
- jord (n v) [soil or earth, soil, earth, soil, one of the four basic elements, one of the five basic elements, mixture of sand and organic material, electrical point of zero potential, electrical conductor connected to point of zero potential, country or territory, any general rock-based material] (u)
- stat (n v) [a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy] (u)
- delstat (n v) [a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy] (u)
- land (n adj) [region of land] {n}
- territorium (n) [large tract of land] {n}
- åkermark (n) [land which is suitable for farming and agricultural production]
- jorden (n v) [the planet Earth, third planet from the Sun]
- Tellus (proper) [third planet from the Sun]
- jordledare (n v adj) [electrical conductor connected to point of zero potential] (n v adj)
9 traduções
- stát (n v) [a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy]
- Země (proper) [third planet from the Sun]
- hlína (proper n v) [soil]
- země (proper n v) [any general rock-based material, mixture of sand and organic material, one of the five basic elements, one of the four basic elements, region of land, soil, surface of the Earth] {f}
- území (n) [large tract of land] {n}
- půda (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material]
- uzemnění (proper n v) [electrical connection]
- zeměkoule (n v) [the planet Earth]
- teritorium (n) [large tract of land] (n)
7 traduções
- gleba (n v adj) [soil, earth, mixture of sand and organic material] {f}
- kraj (n adj) [region of land] {m}
- ląd (n) {m}
- ziemia (n adj) [region of land, surface of the Earth, soil, earth, soil or earth, soil, one of the four basic elements, one of the five basic elements, mixture of sand and organic material, country or territory, any general rock-based material] {f}
- Ziemia (proper) [third planet from the Sun] {f}
- uziemienie (n v adj) [electrical conductor connected to point of zero potential, electrical connection, electrical point of zero potential] {n}
- terytorium (n) [large tract of land] {n}
13 traduções
- Jorden (proper) [third planet from the Sun]
- jorden (proper) [third planet from the Sun]
- jord (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material, one of the five basic elements, one of the four basic elements, soil, any general rock-based material]
- jordart (proper n v) [any general rock-based material]
- land (n adj) [region of land] {n}
- stat (n v) [a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy]
- territorium (n) [large tract of land]
- grund (n v) [country or territory]
- jordforbindelse (proper n v) [electrical connection]
- jordet forbindelse (proper n v) [electrical connection]
- delstat (n v) [a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy] (n v)
- klode (n v) [the planet Earth] (n v)
- jordklode (n v) [the planet Earth] (n v)
10 traduções
- земя (proper n v) [one of the five basic elements, one of the four basic elements, soil, soil, earth, surface of the Earth, any general rock-based material] {f}
- почва (proper n v) [soil] {f}
- пръст (proper n v) [soil] {f}
- заземяване (proper n v) [electrical connection] {n}
- земя́ (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material, soil or earth, region of land] (n v)
- по́чва (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material, soil or earth] (n v)
- терито́рия (n) [large tract of land] (n)
- страна́ (n adj) [region of land] (n v)
- Земя́ (proper) [third planet from the Sun] (proper)
- земно кълбо (n v) [the planet Earth] (n v)
7 traduções
- Föld (proper) [third planet from the Sun]
- ország (n adj) [region of land]
- föld (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material, one of the five basic elements, one of the four basic elements, soil, soil, earth, surface of the Earth]
- talaj (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material, soil]
- terület (n) [large tract of land]
- állam (n v) [a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy]
- földelés (n v adj) [electrical conductor connected to point of zero potential, electrical connection] (proper n v)
4 traduções
6 traduções
- dežela (n adj) [region of land] {f}
- prst (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material, soil] {m}
- zemlja (proper n v) [any general rock-based material, electrical connection, mixture of sand and organic material, one of the five basic elements, one of the four basic elements, region of land, soil, surface of the Earth] {f}
- ozemlje (n) [large tract of land]
- ozemljitev (proper n v) [electrical connection] {f}
- Zêmlja (proper) [third planet from the Sun] (proper)
11 traduções
- ज़मीन (proper n v) [soil, soil, earth, surface of the Earth] {f} (zamīn)
- देश (n) [large tract of land] {m} (deś)
- राष्ट्र (n) [large tract of land] {m} (rāṣṭra)
- धरती (proper n v) [soil] {f} (dhartī)
- पृथ्वी (proper) [third planet from the Sun] {f} (prithvī)
- प्रदेश (n v) [a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy, large tract of land] {m} (pradēśa)
- भूमि (proper n v) [any general rock-based material] (bhūmi)
- मिट्टी (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material] (n v)
- इलाक़ा (n) [large tract of land] (n)
- भूलोक (proper) [third planet from the Sun] (proper)
- भूतल (n v adj) [surface of the Earth] (n v)
18 traduções
- 地 (proper n v) [soil, surface of the Earth, one of the four basic elements]
- 土壌 (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material, soil]
- 地球 (n v) [the planet Earth, third planet from the Sun]
- 泥 (n v) [soil or earth]
- 農地 (n) [land which is suitable for farming and agricultural production]
- 州 (n v) [a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy]
- 土 (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material, one of the five basic elements, soil, soil or earth, surface of the Earth] (abbr)
- グラウンド (proper n v) [electrical connection] (n)
- 国 (n adj) [region of land] (n v)
- 領土 (n) [large tract of land] (n)
- ダート (n v) [soil or earth] (n v)
- 泥土 (n v) [soil or earth] (n v)
- 接地 (proper n v) [electrical connection] (proper n v)
- アース (proper n v) [electrical connection, third planet from the Sun] (proper n v)
- グランド (proper n v) [electrical connection] (proper n v)
- 畑地 (n) [land which is suitable for farming and agricultural production] (n)
- 田地 (n) [land which is suitable for farming and agricultural production] (n)
- グローブ (n v) [the planet Earth] (n v)
7 traduções
- trái đất (proper) [third planet from the Sun]
- đất nước (n adj) [region of land]
- lãnh thổ (n) [large tract of land]
- thổ (proper n v) [one of the five basic elements]
- đất (n v) [mixture of sand and organic material, one of the four basic elements, soil]
- tiểu bang (n v) [a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy] (n v)
- Địa Cầu (proper) [third planet from the Sun] (proper)