заполня́ть tem 50 traduções em 13 línguas
traduções de заполня́ть
- encher (v n) [add contents to, so it is full, enter, making it full, make full, occupy fully, take up all of]
- preencher (v) [to complete a form]
- entupir (n v) [to fill (something) up in a compressed manner]
- fill (v n) [add contents to, so it is full]
- fill out (v) [to complete a form]
RU ES Espanhol 3 traduções
- rellenar (v) [to complete a form, to fill (something) up in a compressed manner]
- llenar (v) [make full, occupy fully, take up all of]
- atiborrar (n v) [to fill (something) up in a compressed manner]
RU FR Francês 6 traduções
- remplir (v n) [add contents to, so it is full, make full, occupy fully, take up all of, to complete a form]
- compléter (v) [to complete a form]
- bourrer (n v) [to fill (something) up in a compressed manner]
- farcir (n v) [to fill (something) up in a compressed manner]
- fourrer (n v) [to fill (something) up in a compressed manner]
- truffer (n v) [to fill (something) up in a compressed manner]
RU IT Italiano 4 traduções
- riempire (v n) [add contents to, so it is full, make full, to complete a form]
- imbottire (v n) [add contents to, so it is full]
- farcire (n v) [to fill (something) up in a compressed manner]
- compilare (v) [to complete a form]
RU DE Alemão 6 traduções
- ausfüllen (v n) [occupy fully, take up all of, to complete a form]
- eintragen (v) [to complete a form]
- auffüllen (v) [make full]
- füllen (v n) [add contents to, so it is full, occupy fully, take up all of, to fill (something) up in a compressed manner]
- ausstopfen (n v) [to fill (something) up in a compressed manner]
- anfüllen (v) [make full]
RU NL Holandês 5 traduções
- opvullen (v n) [add contents to, so it is full, make full]
- vullen (v n) [enter, making it full, occupy fully, take up all of]
- invullen (v) [to complete a form]
- aanvullen (v n) [add contents to, so it is full] {n}
- vollopen (v) [make full]
RU SV Sueco 2 traduções
- stoppa (n v) [to fill (something) up in a compressed manner]
- fylla (v n) [add contents to, so it is full, enter, making it full, occupy fully, take up all of, to fill (something) up in a compressed manner]
RU CS Tcheco 3 traduções
- vyplnit (v n) [occupy fully, take up all of, to complete a form]
- naplnit (v) [make full]
- napustit (v) [make full]
RU PL Polonês 5 traduções
- napełniać (v n) [add contents to, so it is full]
- wypełniać (v) [to complete a form]
- wypchać (n v) [to fill (something) up in a compressed manner]
- napchać (n v) [to fill (something) up in a compressed manner]
- napełnić (v n) [add contents to, so it is full]
RU BG Búlgaro 2 traduções
- пълня (v n) [add contents to, so it is full]
- запълвам (v n) [enter, making it full, occupy fully, take up all of]
RU HU Húngaro 3 traduções
- töm (n v) [to fill (something) up in a compressed manner]
- megtölt (v n) [add contents to, so it is full, occupy fully, take up all of]
- betölt (v n) [enter, making it full]
RU JA Japonês 6 traduções
- 溢れる (v n) [occupy fully, take up all of]
- 満たす (v n) [add contents to, so it is full, make full]
- 詰める (n v) [to fill (something) up in a compressed manner]
- 記入する (v) [to complete a form]
- 一杯にする (v n) [add contents to, so it is full]
- 書き込む (v) [to complete a form]
Palavras anteriores e posteriores заполня́ть