PT dicionário de Português: encher
encher tem 92 traduções em 13 línguas
traduções de encher
PT ES Espanhol 3 traduções
PT FR Francês 9 traduções
- boucher (v) [buraco] {m}
- gonfler (v) [ar, pneu, to fill soft substance with gas, water, etc, to inflate]
- combler (v) [buraco]
- remplir (v) [geral, occupy fully, take up all of, make full, caixa, buraco, become full of contents, almofada, add contents to, so it is full]
- rembourrer (v) [almofada, caixa, geral]
- tasser (v) [geral]
- bourrer (v) [almofada, caixa, geral]
- bouffir (v n) [to fill soft substance with gas, water, etc]
- boursoufler (v n) [to fill soft substance with gas, water, etc]
PT IT Italiano 6 traduções
PT DE Alemão 12 traduções
- ausfüllen (v n) [occupy fully, take up all of, geral]
- aufblasen (v) [ar, to fill soft substance with gas, water, etc, to inflate]
- aufpumpen (v) [ar, pneu]
- aufpusten (v) [ar]
- auffüllen (v) [buraco, make full]
- zuschütten (v) [buraco]
- füllen (v n) [add contents to, so it is full, almofada, caixa, geral, occupy fully, take up all of]
- auspolstern (v) [almofada]
- polstern (v) [almofada]
- voll stopfen (v) [geral]
- sich füllen (v n) [become full of contents] (mit)
- anfüllen (v) [make full]
PT NL Holandês 9 traduções
- stoppen (v) [buraco] {n}
- opblazen (v) [ar, pneu, to fill soft substance with gas, water, etc] {n}
- opvullen (v n) [add contents to, so it is full, almofada, buraco, caixa, geral, make full]
- vullen (v) [buraco, occupy fully, take up all of, geral, enter, making it full, caixa, become full of contents, almofada]
- oppompen (v) [ar, pneu]
- aanvullen (v n) [add contents to, so it is full] {n}
- volstoppen (v) [almofada, caixa, geral] {n}
- vollopen (v) [make full]
- volpompen (v n) [to fill soft substance with gas, water, etc]
PT SV Sueco 10 traduções
- fylla igen (v) [buraco]
- stoppa (v) [almofada, caixa, geral]
- blåsa upp (v) [ar, pneu, to inflate]
- fylla upp (v) [buraco]
- pumpa upp (v) [ar, pneu]
- fylla (v) [almofada, occupy fully, take up all of, geral, enter, making it full, caixa, add contents to, so it is full]
- vaddera (v) [almofada]
- fyllas (v n) [become full of contents]
- fullpacka (v) [almofada, caixa, geral]
- packa (v) [geral]
PT CS Tcheco 3 traduções
PT PL Polonês 2 traduções
PT BG Búlgaro 5 traduções
- надувам (v n) [to fill soft substance with gas, water, etc] (v n)
- издувам (v n) [to fill soft substance with gas, water, etc] (v n)
- пълня (v n) [add contents to, so it is full] (n v)
- запълвам (v n) [enter, making it full, occupy fully, take up all of] (v n)
- напълвам се (v n) [become full of contents] (v n)
PT HU Húngaro 4 traduções
PT RU Russo 10 traduções
- заполня́ть (v n) [enter, making it full, make full, occupy fully, take up all of, add contents to, so it is full] (n v)
- запо́лнить (v n) [add contents to, so it is full, enter, making it full, make full, occupy fully, take up all of] (n v)
- надува́ть (v) [to inflate] (v n)
- наду́ть (v) [to inflate] (v n)
- наполня́ть (v n) [add contents to, so it is full, occupy fully, take up all of, make full] (v n)
- напо́лнить (v n) [add contents to, so it is full, make full, occupy fully, take up all of] (v n)
- заполня́ться (v n) [become full of contents] (v n)
- запо́лниться (v n) [become full of contents] (v n)
- наполня́ться (v n) [become full of contents] (v n)
- напо́лниться (v n) [become full of contents] (v n)
PT JA Japonês 8 traduções
- 水 (n v) [to fill with or secrete water]
- 溢れる (v n) [occupy fully, take up all of] (afureru)
- 満たす (v n) [add contents to, so it is full, make full] (v adj)
- 濡れる (n v) [to fill with or secrete water] (v n)
- 分泌液 (n v) [to fill with or secrete water] (n v)
- 一杯にする (v n) [add contents to, so it is full] (v n)
- 満ちる (v n) [become full of contents] (v n)
- 一杯になる (v n) [become full of contents] (v n)