NL dicionário de Holandês: zonnewijzer
zonnewijzer tem 20 traduções em 16 línguas
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traduções de zonnewijzer
- solário (n) [simple timekeeping device which makes use of sunlight] {m}
- relógio de sol (n) [simple timekeeping device which makes use of sunlight, tijd] {m}
- relógio do sol (n) [simple timekeeping device which makes use of sunlight] (n)
- relógio solar (n) [simple timekeeping device which makes use of sunlight] (n)
NL ES Espanhol 2 traduções
- reloj solar (n) [simple timekeeping device which makes use of sunlight, tijd] {m}
- reloj de sol (n) [simple timekeeping device which makes use of sunlight] {m}
NL FR Francês 1 tradução
- cadran solaire (n) [simple timekeeping device which makes use of sunlight, tijd] {m}
NL DE Alemão 1 tradução
- Sonnenuhr (n) [simple timekeeping device which makes use of sunlight, tijd] {f}
NL PL Polonês 1 tradução
- zegar słoneczny (n) [simple timekeeping device which makes use of sunlight]
NL BG Búlgaro 1 tradução
- слънчев часовник (n) [simple timekeeping device which makes use of sunlight] (n)
NL RU Russo 1 tradução
- со́лнечные часы́ (n) [simple timekeeping device which makes use of sunlight] (n)
NL SL Esloveno 1 tradução
- sónčna úra (n) [simple timekeeping device which makes use of sunlight] (n)
NL VI Vietnamita 1 tradução
- đồng hồ mặt trời (n) [simple timekeeping device which makes use of sunlight] (n)