NL dicionário de Holandês: zonnevlecht
zonnevlecht tem 13 traduções em 8 línguas
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traduções de zonnevlecht
- solar plexus (n) [a complex network of nerves and ganglia, located within the abdomen behind the stomach, anatomie]
NL FR Francês 2 traduções
- plexus solaire (n) [a complex network of nerves and ganglia, located within the abdomen behind the stomach, anatomie] {m}
- plexus cœliaque (n) [a complex network of nerves and ganglia, located within the abdomen behind the stomach] (n)
NL DE Alemão 2 traduções
- Sonnengeflecht (n) [a complex network of nerves and ganglia, located within the abdomen behind the stomach, anatomie] {n}
- Solarplexus (n) [a complex network of nerves and ganglia, located within the abdomen behind the stomach, anatomie] {m}
NL RU Russo 1 tradução
- со́лнечное сплете́ние (n) [a complex network of nerves and ganglia, located within the abdomen behind the stomach] (n)
NL JA Japonês 3 traduções
- 太陽神経叢 (n) [a complex network of nerves and ganglia, located within the abdomen behind the stomach] (n)
- みぞおち (n) [a complex network of nerves and ganglia, located within the abdomen behind the stomach] (n)
- 鳩尾 (n) [a complex network of nerves and ganglia, located within the abdomen behind the stomach] (n)