HI dicionário de Hindi: ठीक
ठीक tem 141 traduções em 18 línguas
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traduções de ठीक
- bem [in good health] {m}
- razoável (adj adv int) [good]
- justo (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct]
- certo (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct]
- correto [complying with justice, correct, free from error]
- verdadeiro (adj adv n v) [concurring with a given set of facts]
- está bem (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)]
- tudo bem (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)] (informal)
- tá (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)] (adj adv int)
- tá bom (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)] (adj adv int)
13 traduções
- justo (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct]
- correcto [complying with justice, correct, free from error]
- bien [in good health] {m}
- de acuerdo (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)]
- muy bien (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)]
- listo (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)]
- cierto (adj adv n v) [concurring with a given set of facts]
- ya (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)]
- vale (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)] {m}
- dale (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)] (contraction)
- ándale (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)] (adj adv int)
- okey (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)] (adj adv int)
- sale y vale (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)] (adj adv int)
8 traduções
- droit (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct] {m}
- juste [complying with justice, correct]
- vrai [concurring with a given set of facts] {m}
- bien (adj adv int) [good] {m}
- d'accord (adj adv int) [good]
- bon [complying with justice, correct] {m}
- correct [complying with justice, correct, free from error]
- ok (adj adv int) [good] (adj)
8 traduções
- einwandfrei (adj v) [free from error]
- korrekt (adj v) [free from error]
- richtig [complying with justice, correct, free from error]
- echt [concurring with a given set of facts]
- gut (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1), good]
- in Ordnung (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1), good]
- gesund [in good health]
- wahr [concurring with a given set of facts]
5 traduções
- bene [good, in good health] {m}
- corretto [complying with justice, correct, free from error]
- vero (adj adv n v) [concurring with a given set of facts] {m}
- d'accordo (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)]
- va bene (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1), good]
7 traduções
- juist (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct, free from error]
- correct [complying with justice, correct, free from error]
- prima (adj adv int) [good]
- echt (adj adv n v) [concurring with a given set of facts]
- in orde (adj adv int) [good]
- gezond [in good health]
- waar (adj adv n v) [concurring with a given set of facts]
9 traduções
- riktig (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct, free from error]
- korrekt (adj v) [free from error]
- skaplig (adj adv int) [good]
- rätt [complying with justice, correct, free from error]
- sann (adj adv n v) [concurring with a given set of facts]
- frisk [in good health]
- okej [good]
- felfri (adj v) [free from error]
- duglig (adj adv int) [good]
7 traduções
4 traduções
8 traduções
17 traduções
- правильный (adj)
- здоровый (adj)
- пра́вильный (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct, free from error] (adj)
- как ра́з (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct] (adj adv int n v)
- пра́вый (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct] (adj adv int n v)
- ве́рный (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct, concurring with a given set of facts, free from error] (adj adv int n v)
- здоро́вый (adv adj int n v) [in good health] (adj)
- хорошо́ (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)] (adj int n v)
- и́стинный (adj adv n v) [concurring with a given set of facts] (adj adv n v)
- правди́вый (adj adv n v) [concurring with a given set of facts] (adj adv n v)
- корре́ктный (adj v) [free from error] (adj v)
- хоро́ший (adj adv int) [good] (adj)
- ла́дно (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)] (adj adv int)
- оке́й (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)] (adj adv int)
- верный (adj)
- истинный (adj)
- правдивый
11 traduções
10 traduções
- 正しい (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct, free from error] (adj adv int n v)
- 了解 (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)] (int v)
- 真実の (adj adv n v) [concurring with a given set of facts] (adj adv n v)
- 本当な (adj adv n v) [concurring with a given set of facts] (adj adv n v)
- 元気 (adv adj int n v) [in good health] (adv adj int n v)
- 正解 (adj v) [free from error] (adj v)
- 大丈夫な (adj adv int) [good] (adj adv int)
- 畏まりました (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)] (adj adv int)
- オーケー (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)] (adj adv int)
- オーライ (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)] (adj adv int)
8 traduções
- tốt
- phải (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct, concurring with a given set of facts]
- đúng (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct, free from error]
- thật (adj adv n v) [concurring with a given set of facts]
- khỏe [in good health]
- mạnh [in good health]
- có lý (adj adv int n v) [complying with justice, correct] (adj adv int n v)
- được