ES dicionário de Espanhol: diplomático
diplomático tem 99 traduções em 16 línguas
traduções de diplomático
- premeditado (a) [comportamiento]
- delicado (a) [comportamiento]
- calculado (a) [comportamiento]
- político (a) [comportamiento, general] {m}
- diplomático (a) [comportamiento, concerning relationships between governments, exhibiting diplomacy, general]
- calculista (a) [comportamiento] {m}
- enviado (n) [hombre, política - hombre] {m}
- diplomata [someone who uses skill and tact in dealing with other people, política - hombre, person who is accredited to represent a government, hombre] {m}
- negociador (n) [hombre, política - hombre] {m}
- tático (a) [comportamiento, general] {m}
- de estadista (a) [comportamiento, general]
- discreto (a) [comportamiento]
- tátil (a) [comportamiento]
- politic (a) [comportamiento]
- diplomatic [comportamiento, concerning relationships between governments, general]
- diplomat (n) [hombre, person who is accredited to represent a government, política - hombre]
- diplomatist (n) [hombre]
- negotiator (n) [hombre]
- envoy (n) [política - hombre]
- tactful (a) [comportamiento, possessing tact]
ES FR Francês 16 traduções
- délibéré (a) [comportamiento]
- voulu (a) [comportamiento]
- astucieux (a) [comportamiento, general]
- calculé (a) [comportamiento]
- délicat (a) [comportamiento]
- politique (a) [comportamiento, general] {f}
- diplomatique (adj) [concerning relationships between governments, possessing tact, general, exhibiting diplomacy, comportamiento]
- calculateur (a) [comportamiento] {m}
- étudié (a) [comportamiento]
- diplomate (a) [comportamiento, someone who uses skill and tact in dealing with other people, política - hombre, person who is accredited to represent a government, hombre, general] {m}
- négociateur (n) [hombre, política - hombre] {m}
- envoyé (n) [hombre, política - hombre] {m}
- tactique (a) [comportamiento, general] {f}
- d'homme d'Etat (a) [comportamiento, general]
- discret (a) [comportamiento]
- plein de tact (adj) [possessing tact] (adj)
ES IT Italiano 14 traduções
- calcolato (a) [comportamiento]
- delicato (a) [comportamiento]
- avveduto (a) [comportamiento, general]
- accorto (a) [comportamiento, general]
- calcolatore (a) [comportamiento]
- studiato (a) [comportamiento]
- diplomatico (n) [person who is accredited to represent a government, someone who uses skill and tact in dealing with other people, política - hombre, hombre, exhibiting diplomacy, concerning relationships between governments, comportamiento, general] {m}
- negoziatore (n) [hombre, política - hombre] {m}
- inviato (n) [política - hombre, hombre] {m}
- pieno di tatto (a) [comportamiento, general]
- da statista (a) [comportamiento, general]
- da uomo di stato (a) [comportamiento, general]
- discreto (a) [comportamiento]
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ES DE Alemão 7 traduções
- taktvoll (a) [comportamiento, possessing tact]
- berechnend (a) [comportamiento]
- diplomatisch (a) [comportamiento, concerning relationships between governments, exhibiting diplomacy, general]
- Gesandte (n) [política - hombre] {m}
- Diplomat [hombre, person who is accredited to represent a government, política - hombre, someone who uses skill and tact in dealing with other people] {m}
- Diplomatin (n) [person who is accredited to represent a government, someone who uses skill and tact in dealing with other people] {f}
- Unterhändler (n) [hombre] {m}
ES NL Holandês 13 traduções
- berekend (a) [general, comportamiento]
- diplomatiek (a) [comportamiento, concerning relationships between governments, general]
- berekenend (a) [comportamiento]
- uitgerekend (a) [comportamiento]
- afgezant (n) [hombre, política - hombre] {m}
- gezant (n) [hombre, política - hombre] {m}
- diplomaat (n) [política - hombre, someone who uses skill and tact in dealing with other people, person who is accredited to represent a government, hombre] {m}
- onderhandelaar (n) [hombre, política - hombre] {m}
- diplomatiek vertegenwoordiger (n) [hombre, política - hombre] {m}
- tactvol (a) [comportamiento, general, possessing tact]
- als een staatsman (a) [comportamiento, general]
- discreet (a) [comportamiento]
- fijngevoelig (a) [comportamiento]
ES SV Sueco 9 traduções
- försiktig (a) [general, comportamiento]
- diplomatisk (a) [comportamiento, concerning relationships between governments, exhibiting diplomacy, general]
- beräknande (a) [comportamiento] {n}
- instuderad (a) [comportamiento]
- diplomat (n) [person who is accredited to represent a government, someone who uses skill and tact in dealing with other people] (u)
- sändebud (n) [hombre, política - hombre] {n}
- taktfull (a) [comportamiento, general]
- statsmannamässig (a) [comportamiento, general]
- diskret (a) [comportamiento]
ES CS Tcheco 3 traduções
- diplomatický (adj) [concerning relationships between governments, exhibiting diplomacy]
- diplomat (n) [person who is accredited to represent a government]
- taktní (adj) [possessing tact]
ES DA Dinamarquês 1 tradução
- diplomat [person who is accredited to represent a government, someone who uses skill and tact in dealing with other people]
ES BG Búlgaro 3 traduções
- диплома́т (n) [person who is accredited to represent a government] (n)
- дипломатически (adj) [concerning relationships between governments] (adj)
- дипломатичен (adj) [exhibiting diplomacy] (adj)
ES HU Húngaro 2 traduções
- tapintatos (adj) [possessing tact] (adj)
- küldött (n) [person who is accredited to represent a government] (n)
ES RU Russo 5 traduções
- такти́чный (adj) [possessing tact] (adj)
- дипломати́чный (adj) [exhibiting diplomacy, possessing tact] (adj)
- диплома́т (n) [person who is accredited to represent a government, someone who uses skill and tact in dealing with other people] (n)
- диплома́тка (n) [person who is accredited to represent a government, someone who uses skill and tact in dealing with other people] (n)
- дипломати́ческий (adj) [concerning relationships between governments] (adj)
ES HI Hindi 3 traduções
- राजनयिक [concerning relationships between governments]
- अंताराज्यनैतिक (adj) [concerning relationships between governments] (adj)
- कूटनैतिक (adj) [exhibiting diplomacy] (adj)