ES dicionário de Espanhol: burlarse
burlarse tem 70 traduções em 12 línguas
traduções de burlarse
- zombar (n v) [to poke fun at]
- debochar (v) [persona]
- troçar (v) [persona]
- ridicularizar (v) [persona]
- rir-se de (v) [persona]
- gozar de (v) [persona]
- fazer pouco de (v) [persona]
- caçoar (n v) [to poke fun at]
- tirar sarro (n v) [to poke fun at] (n v)
11 traduções
- ridiculiser (v) [persona]
- bafouer (v) [persona]
- railler (v) [persona]
- ricaner (v n) [raise a corner of the upper lip slightly in scorn]
- taquiner (adj n v) [mock or tease, to poke fun at]
- se moquer de (v) [persona]
- moquer (adj n v) [mock or tease]
- dauber (n v) [to jest, ridicule, or mock]
- se gausser (n v) [to jeer; laugh at with contempt and derision]
- se ficher de (n v) [to jest, ridicule, or mock]
- se foutre de (n v) [to jest, ridicule, or mock] (n v)
8 traduções
- deridere (v) [persona, to jeer; laugh at with contempt and derision]
- beffare (v) [persona]
- schernire (v) [persona, to jeer; laugh at with contempt and derision]
- sogghignare (v n) [raise a corner of the upper lip slightly in scorn]
- ghignare (v n) [raise a corner of the upper lip slightly in scorn]
- prendere in giro (n v) [to jest, ridicule, or mock]
- burlarsi (n v) [to poke fun at]
- fare il verso (n v) [to jeer; laugh at with contempt and derision] (n v)
14 traduções
- aufziehen (n v) [to poke fun at]
- auslachen (v) [persona]
- verhöhnen (v) [persona]
- verlachen (v) [persona]
- verspotten (v) [persona]
- grinsen (v n) [raise a corner of the upper lip slightly in scorn]
- herumspielen (adj n v) [mock or tease]
- necken (n v) [to poke fun at]
- auf den Arm nehmen (n v) [to poke fun at]
- spotten (n v) [to jeer; laugh at with contempt and derision]
- hänseln (n v) [to poke fun at]
- spötteln (n v) [to jeer; laugh at with contempt and derision]
- verarschen (n v) [to poke fun at]
- Spott treiben (adj n v) [mock or tease] (adj n v)
7 traduções
- plagen (n v) [to poke fun at]
- uitlachen (v) [persona]
- belachelijk maken (v) [persona]
- de (v n) [raise a corner of the upper lip slightly in scorn]
- bespotten (v) [persona]
- spotten (n v) [to jeer; laugh at with contempt and derision]
- spotten met (v) [persona]
7 traduções
- reta (n v) [to poke fun at]
- håna (v) [persona]
- förlöjliga (v) [persona]
- skratta åt (v) [persona]
- grina (v n) [raise a corner of the upper lip slightly in scorn]
- gyckla med (v) [persona]
- driva med (v) [persona]
4 traduções
- осмеивать (n v) [to jeer; laugh at with contempt and derision] (vt)
- насмехаться (n v) [to jeer; laugh at with contempt and derision, to jest, ridicule, or mock] (vr)
- дразни́ть (n v) [to poke fun at] (v)
- поддра́знивать (n v) [to poke fun at] (n v)