AF dicionário de Afrikaans: Ontlasting
Ontlasting tem 50 traduções em 18 línguas
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traduções de Ontlasting
AF ES Espanhol 2 traduções
- heces (n) [digested waste material discharged from the bowels] {f}
- Deshechos Fecales
AF FR Francês 3 traduções
- fèces (n) [digested waste material discharged from the bowels] {f}
- excrément (n) [digested waste material discharged from the bowels]
- Matière fécale
AF NL Holandês 2 traduções
- uitwerpselen (n) [digested waste material discharged from the bowels] (p)
- faeces (n) [digested waste material discharged from the bowels] (p)
AF SV Sueco 3 traduções
AF DA Dinamarquês 2 traduções
AF CS Tcheco 3 traduções
AF BG Búlgaro 4 traduções
- Изпражнения
- фека́лии (n) [digested waste material discharged from the bowels] (n)
- екскреме́нти (n) [digested waste material discharged from the bowels] (n)
- изпражне́ния (n) [digested waste material discharged from the bowels] (n)
AF HU Húngaro 3 traduções
AF RU Russo 5 traduções
- кал (n) [digested waste material discharged from the bowels] (m)
- Кал
- экскреме́нты (n) [digested waste material discharged from the bowels] (n v)
- испражне́ния (n) [digested waste material discharged from the bowels] (n)
- фека́лии (n) [digested waste material discharged from the bowels] (n)
AF HI Hindi 2 traduções
AF JA Japonês 5 traduções
- 糞 [digested waste material discharged from the bowels]
- うんち (n) [digested waste material discharged from the bowels] (unchi)
- うんこ (n) [digested waste material discharged from the bowels] (n adj v int)
- 大便 (n) [digested waste material discharged from the bowels] (n adj v int)
- 糞便 (n) [digested waste material discharged from the bowels] (n)